Lésio-Louna / Léfini Nature Reserve

The Lésio-Louna natural reserve is located about 3.5 hours from Brazzaville, within the La Léfini Wildlife Reserve. Most of the road (N2) is new and smooth, except for a few parts where the surface is currently being redone and you are driving through white, chalky dirt. Once you turn off the N2 towards Abio (about 12 km from the destination), you will need a 4WD and it is NOT recommended to visit during the rainy season. It takes about 35 minutes to drive those last 12 km. Abio Boats we took to see the gorillas on the island We first travelled to Abio where we got on boats to visit three silverbacks and two young gorillas w ho live on a 23 acre island, on the edge of the Lesio-Louna reserve. Two of the gorillas, Fubu and Kebu, were transported to the Republic of Congo on October 18, 2017 from Howletts Park in Kent as part of the Aspinall Foundation* project to return gorillas to the wild. The idea is that eventually they will be released to join other lowland g...