Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza Memorial

Pierre de Brazza was an Italian-born explorer who later in life became a naturalized French citizen. In contrast to Henry Stanley, his friendly manner and respectful approach to locals made him very popular among Africans. Under French colonial rule, the capital of the Republic of the Congo was named Brazzaville after him and the name is still kept until modern days. Congo is the only African nation to have a giant statue of the city colonial founder in the middle of “centre ville” with a museum dedicated to him! Brazza died in Dakar, was first buried in France at Pere Lachaise, by request of hos widow transferred to Algiers and eventually, in October 2006, his skeletal remains, as well as those of his wife and four children, were brought from Algeria to Brazzaville. They were laid to final rest at the Brazza Memorial. The museum is not visited very often. As a matter of fact, I often wonder who visits it, since I hardly ever see any people going in and out of the building. However...