Basilique Saint Anne du Congo

From 1940 until 1943 Brazzaville was the capital of Afrique française libre (Free French Africa), which covered French Equatorial Africa and Cameroon and was part of the French empire under the military control of General Charles de Gaulle. Afrique française libre provided natural resources, manpower and a convenient location for running military operations. There are a few landmarks leftover from that time, the most famous being Charles de Gaulle’s house, which now serves as the French ambassador’s residence, and Saint Anne’s Basilica. The decision to construct the basilica was made in 1936 during an influx of converts to Poto Poto but the foundations were not laid until 1943 when there was a justified need for strong symbols in the capital. The basilica was designed by Roger Erell, a famous French architect who blended Western architectural styles with local building techniques. This was also the first time a European architect worked with local artists such as Benoit Kono...